Monday, November 10, 2008

As many may notice, I am using this blog as somewhat of a journal. Regarding my last post, well, I didn't get Isaiah to bed until 10:15 or so. We'll have to try for 9:00 tomorrow. He just slept so much today, I felt bad trying to put him to bed too early. Just writing about him now, I miss him. I need to go kiss him.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Look at this little, adorable munchkin. I know, I have become one of those moms that think their child is the cutest thing in the world. Notice his cool outfit, a present from Grandma and Grandpa Welch.

Baby Isaiah is starting to get into great nap and bedtime habits. My goal is to get him to bed by 8:00-8:30. I don't want to go too much earlier than that because I am thinking about a year from now when his father will be working long hours at the firm and may not get home until 7pm. This way, Oliver will be able to see his son. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Today we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and take some pics outside while there are still some pretty leaves on the trees. Unfortunately, our "photo shoot" did not last as long as I would have liked. Isaiah hates "tummy time", so of course he was not keen on most of the shots.
He is getting so big so fast. He has starting yelling. It is so cute because he will get excited and yell, but it usually scares him and he jumps. We love him so much.

I just found this picture on Maria's Facebook, and I just love it. They are so beautiful and sweet. I miss them so much and cannot wait to see them. Maria and Tanner make beautiful children. They need to have another baby!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Isaiah rolled over last Friday. He hasn't done it again since then; he just rolls to his side and stays there staring at his hands and trying to eat them. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Haha, I just realized I put the S on the wrong way. I think I ended up sewing it on the right way. I'm going to have to go check now. Oh well, he still looks so precious. Here is a closeup of Isaiah's Halloween costume. I can't believe he is almost 3 months old.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Isaiah and I at the pumpkin patch.

Ward HalloweenParty

Yesterday night was our ward Halloween party. We decided at the very last minute (the night before) that we would be Superman, woman, and baby. I know my colors are a bit off, but we put together our outfits pretty quick. I was originally going to go as a stay-at-home mom: sweats, glasses and a frizzy pony tail. Oliver was going to go as a law school student: big bags under his eyes, laptop connected at hip, and books in hand. We thought this would be cuter and compliment our little shnookies outfit better.

BTW: Our little shnookie bears won the "Cutest Baby Costume". I have some better pics of him, but I need to do some uploading.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thought I would put these adorable pics of the girls up.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Alena (Maria's oldest) turned 6 years old this September. She had a "fashion party" at the preschool. Look at Cameron posing for the camera. They are getting so big and are so beautiful.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Here I go!

Oliver suggested I start a blog, so here I go. I think we both want to have one for the sole purpose of showing off our little boy.

Isaiah was born August 4, 2008 at around 1:40 pm. He weighed in at 6lbs. 12 ounces. He was delivered at St. Joseph Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan by Dr. Amal Awwad. We went in on Sunday the 3rd for my induction. I started having contractions (painful ones) sometime in the very early morning. I got an epidural which unfortunately was not as painless as my sister Maria had promised. But I made it through and have a beautiful boy to show for it. Mollie was there for the whole event and filmed for us. Then my mom flew in that night and stayed for a week. I was so glad she came; it was so nice to have an "expert" mom at my side. Then Dagmar came out for about 3 weeks and helped so much. I got sick and she was a lifesaver.

Our first born, Hawthorne, our Irish Setter, has taken well to the baby. When we first brought Isaiah home, Hawthorne was curious especially when the baby would cry. Now he just groans and keeps sleeping. He is, however, extremely interested in dirty daipers and breast pads. It is really annoying and funny at the same time. I don't have much time for him, so Oliver has been really good about taking him out multiple times a day to get the exercise his breed requires. We love our Hawtyornies!!!

Isaiah has his 2 month appointment this coming week. We are anxious to see how much weight he has gained. At his two week visit, he was only in the 25th percentile for weight and head size. He was in the 70th percentile for height/length. I am used to my nieces who were always in the 90th or so percentile in everything.

Oliver is doing well in school as always. He is soooooooooooo busy though. I try not to wake him at night on school days, and sometimes in the morning he will comment on how the baby slept the night through. I wish. Actually, the baby sleeps pretty well. He usually sleeps for a 6 hour stretch at night. He is such a good baby.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mollie Graduated

I know Mollie graduated in June, but I thought I would put a pic up and let everyone know. Now it is just my parents and crazy Carigan, Ma, and the guinea pigs, oh and the chickens.